A heart-wrenching incident has surfaced on social media, where a woman’s goods were destroyed because she could not afford the ₦200 daily ticket fee required by hawkers in a market. The viral post highlights the cruel treatment meted out to the hawker, whose goods was poured away by individuals allegedly enforcing the fee.
The post questions the humanity of those involved, asking, “Where do they keep their conscience?” It also reflects on the struggles faced by low-income earners, suggesting the possibility that the woman had just begun her day with no means to gather the required amount.
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The incident has sparked outrage online, with many condemning the practice and calling for more compassionate approaches to regulating informal traders.
This situation sheds light on the broader issue of economic hardship faced by small-scale traders, who are often the most vulnerable in society. Many are urging authorities to step in and address the treatment of hawkers in markets nationwide.